
Packaging a plugin as a farmOS contrib module


name: Name Bob Plugin for farmOS Asset Link
description: Provides an Asset Link asset action to name an asset "bob"
type: module
package: farmOS Asset Link Plugins
core_version_requirement: ^9
  - farmos_asset_link


See Simple Asset Action.


langcode: en
status: true
id: NameBobAssetActionProvider
      - name_bob_alink_plugin
url: '{module:name_bob_alink_plugin}/NameBobAssetActionProvider.alink.js'

Important: If the plugin is named "NameBobAssetActionProvider.alink.js", then the id field of the config yml must be "NameBobAssetActionProvider" and the yml file itself must be named "farmos_asset_link.asset_link_default_plugin.NameBobAssetActionProvider.yml". All three must match, otherwise the plugin cannot be served/loaded correctly by the Asset Link Drupal controller.

Alternatively, plugins urls can be prefixed with {base_path} to make them relative to the Drupal installation base path.

Plugin urls can also be absolute (starting with /) to make them relative to the domain or even fully qualified urls to other domains - that final case would of course require that the server hosting the plugins handle sending CORS headers correctly.

The only requirement in general for all plugin urls is that the last part of the URL path follow the naming pattern {PluginName}.alink.{ext}. (e.g. NameBobAssetActionProvider.alink.js)

Check out the Extension Model guide for more information about plugins and their naming.

Optional plugins

The yml file above could be placed in config/optional/ and list additional dependencies to make the plugin optional.

In that case the Asset Link plugin will only be installed when all the dependnecies are also installed.

For example:


langcode: en
status: true
id: NameBobAssetActionProvider
      - name_bob_alink_plugin
      - farm_material
url: '{module:name_bob_alink_plugin}/NameBobAssetActionProvider.alink.js'

Then the plugin would only be installed when the farmOS Material asset type is also available.

Here is the most cogent description of this feature I have located so far: https://lightning.acquia.com/blog/optional-config-weirdness-drupal-8

Plugin Dev Support

Asset link also provides some tooling that may help with building the yaml files above and serving plugins for live development. Check out the assetlink-plugin-dev-support package for more information about that.