
Farm Data Access

Plugins in Asset Link have access to the full farmOS data model via the farmOS/Drupal JSON:API.

This access is mediated by a library called Orbit.js. Asset Link exposes Orbit.js sources via the Asset Link API. The most common use-cases will use assetLink.entitySource which first queries the in-memory data - followed by the farmOS server if the app is online at the time.

Retrieving Data

await assetLink.entitySource.query(q => q
  .filter({ attribute: 'name', op: 'CONTAINS', value: 'slow' }));

That fallback logic - first querying the in memory data followed by the farmOS server - sounds ideal, but often we are happy with just using the in-memory data and prefer that offline-first behavior from a performance standpoint. In that case we can explicitly query assetLink.entitySource.cache followed by assetLink.entitySource.

const offlineResults = await assetLink.entitySource.cache.query(q => q
  .filter({ attribute: 'name', op: 'CONTAINS', value: 'slow' }));

// Do something with the offline results right away

if (assetLink.connectionStatus.isOnline) {
  const onlineResults = await assetLink.entitySource.query(q => q
    .filter({ attribute: 'name', op: 'CONTAINS', value: 'slow' }));

  // Update the UI with more up-to-date data if/when it becomes available

Asset Link also provides some convenience methods that handle common cases like loading an entity by type and ID. For example, see IAssetLink#resolveEntity.

const asset = await assetLink.resolveEntity('asset', 42);


Modifying Data

Modifying farmOS data occurs via Orbit.js as well, but is a little simpler. Asset Link takes care of synchronizing changes with the server the next time the app is online. Queries of farmOS data that occur before the changes are synchronized will use the local versions of the farmOS assets/logs/etc which include the unsynchronized changes.

await assetLink.entitySource.update((t) => {
  return t.updateRecord({
    type: asset.type,
    id: asset.id,
    attributes: {
      name: "Fred",
}, {label: `Rename asset: "${asset.attributes.name}" to "Fred"`});

const updatedAsset = await assetLink.resolveEntity('asset', asset.id);

// updatedAsset.attributes.name === 'Fred'

Directive $relateByName

Taxonomy terms can be related by name (instead of manually getting/creating them prior to creating the relationship) by specifying a '$relateByName' directive:

await assetLink.entitySource.update((t) =>
  t.replaceRelatedRecord({ type: asset.type, id: asset.id }, 'animal_type', {
      type: "taxonomy_term--animal_type",
      // Placeholder UUID gets replaced by '$relateByName' directive below so the resulting 'taxonomy_term--animal_type'
      // entity may have a different ID once saved locally if the term is available in memory or once the file/relationship
      // gets saved to the server - Until https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3021155 gets fixed anyway
      id: uuidv4(),
      '$relateByName': {
        name: 'Penguin',
, {label: `Make "${asset.attributes.name}" a penguin`});

Besides being convenient, this has the advantage that Asset Link will internally track the placeholder term until it is time to push the changes to the server at which point it will automatically create it or replace the placeholder with existing term on the server it already exists.

Directive $upload

Files can be uploaded as part of modifying asset/log relationships by specifying a '$upload' directive (key) along with the standard type and id properties:

const fileDataUrl = ''

await assetLink.entitySource.update((t) =>
  t.addToRelatedRecords({ type: asset.type, id: asset.id }, 'image', {
      type: "file--file",
      // Placeholder UUID gets replaced by '$upload' directive below so the resulting 'file--file'
      // entity will have a different ID once the file/relationship gets saved to the server
      // Until https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3021155 gets fixed anyway
      id: uuidv4(),
      '$upload': {
, {label: `Add photo to asset: "${asset.attributes.name}"`});

Similarly, files can be uploaded as part of asset/log (entity) creation/updates:

await assetLink.entitySource.update((t) => {
  return t.updateRecord({
    type: asset.type,
    id: asset.id,
    attributes: {
      name: "Fred",
    relationships: {
      image: {
        data: [
            type: "file--file",
            id: uuidv4(),
            '$upload': {
}, {label: `Rename asset: "${asset.attributes.name}" to "Fred" and replace images with a single new one`});